I wrote about the new fiduciary rule in my blogpost of June 27, 2016. I won’t rehash that except to say that the rule was intended to make advisors work in the interest of their clients, not their own interest. A noble goal, and there were reasons for it, but it was so complex that […]
Author: Ed Snyder
The economy
As we approach year-end, we have been busier than ever in the October-November period, discussing and setting up new plans. Our clients, mostly small businesses, appear to be 1) making money, and 2) comfortable with the idea of committing to high(er) contribution levels for the next several years. We deal with a variety of professionals, […]
Matching contributions
I started reading a paper, found here, because a blurb made it sound interesting and touched on some pet peeves of mine. The “interesting” part, not so much; it is filled with text such as this: Retirement plans emerge in equilibrium, however, if instead workers suffer from some degree of present bias or myopia, which […]
401(k) providers are aiming at the small market…
A recent (8/1/2016) Wall Street Journal article notes that startups are going after the “forgotten” small 401(k) market. No worries here; in fact, it’s probably good for our business because we do a lot of takeovers of plans started by other companies. In a typical scenario, a payroll company sets up a plan for a […]